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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The "volunteers" are coming.......

How easy this has happened! How, how, how can we let this go on? Where is the outrage?

We need a new government.


When labor has no fear and there is no rule of law and the media looks the other way

Why is it that the AP can't report truth? Notice how the bosses were "held" and officials were "prevented from leaving" and managers were "detained". Ever heard of words like hostage, kidnapping, criminal behavior, .................? Why aren't these "employees".............. I mean criminals, under arrest and in jail?


Monday, March 30, 2009


Is there any reasonable citizen out there that thinks that this is a good idea. This has got to stop now. The markets will never recover when our government is creating such incredible turmoil. Get the feds out of running the car business. This is not even something I would have thought possible a couple of months ago............

Obama: on a GOVERNMENT WARRANTY on your car purchase:

"It is my hope that the steps I am announcing today will go a long way towards answering many of the questions people may have about the future of GM and Chrysler. But just in case there are still nagging doubts, let me say it as plainly as I can -- if you buy a car from Chrysler or General Motors, you will be able to get your car serviced and repaired, just like always. Your warrantee will be safe.In fact, it will be safer than it's ever been. Because starting today, the United States government will stand behind your warrantee."

I'm going to cry now...................


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama on Redistribution and Wealth Creation

Every once in a while it's worth going back and looking at this stuff and this stuff. This is the best two part lesson on economics on the web.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Clinton and the Mexican Drug Problem

If you are going to BLAME America for this; at least blame the American government FOR NOT BUILDING an impenetrable border (a concrete wall and a fence) and tieing the hands of the men and women in blue around this great nation so they can't do their job.


Is Your Home Green Enough for the Government?

How long before we have this in the US of A?

Maybe they should start at the White House. I understand that the POTUS likes to keep the thermostat at 80 degrees.............. Thats Fahrenheit............. for those of you in the mother country.


Middle Class Tax Cuts

Did anyone notice last night that the press asked Obama twice if he would sign a budget without a middle class tax cut and HE DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION.........................

And now we see why.


The End of the Global War on Terror

That's it; we're all safe. The Washington Post now reports The End of Global War on Terror. It's OVER! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

Now someone has to explain to me what an "Overseas Contingency Operation" is????? It sounds like the place you go when they throw you out of your own country. Like someplace a political asylum seeker would go................. Hmmmm......... Anyone got any ideas.........


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

TARP Funds go to campaign Contributions

AIG is just a distraction............................ "it's his "policy to accept legal contributions.""


Monday, March 23, 2009

The Golden Rule

The Chinese continue to pull our strings as if we were their puppet.

HE WHO HOLDS THE GOLD......................

Maybe we are a puppet.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

ACORN IS BACK.......AIG is their target

I thought I saw this guy on the TV news with an ACORN shirt on. He was getting off the bus at the AIG protest. Oh was I right. see here


Out of TOUCH

Obama is now officially fully out of touch, the left turns on their man.

We believe in the American people.


The "Give Act"

or maybe better said the "TAKE MY KIDS and GIVE ACT"


Even the Times

And the wheels come off...........

BO Katrina Moment has arrived.

Although the Times couldn't resist their left wing leanings by throwing in this........"To fall short would be to deliver us into the catastrophic hands of a Republican opposition whose only known economic program is to reject job-creating stimulus spending and root for Obama and, by extension, the country to fail."

I'll go with the Conservatives.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Civilian Defence

And Now this

The Civilian Defence Force

Hang on to your children folks!
And now this............

The Volunteer Force begins.


Russia, China, USA

How many times do the Russians have to "test" us before we push back? Do we even care anymore. Russia in no threat, right? How old school to even think so. Freedom won....... remember. The Russians and Chinese are just like us; only they are totalitarian Communists. Well... come to think of it; maybe we ARE becoming more like them. From CNN

America has lost it's influence on the world stage of power. I suppose we should bow out and let either the Russians or the Chinese set the agenda for the future of our planet. A year or two and it will be too late. Wake up and let freedom ring.

Is this the end of America?


Thursday, March 19, 2009


TERM LIMITS................ TERM LIMITS............... TERM LIMITS............... TERM LIMITS .................... GET THE IDEA?