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Thursday, April 30, 2009


POTUS seemed genuinely frustrated last night with the fact that he "can't just push a button" and make things happen. He just can't push the bankers and auto companies around, he can't make all the greedy capitalists stop being greedy, he can't make credit card companies stop charging for their services, he can't force heath care reforms, he can't ............

But boy does he ever want to have that power. That was crystal clear last night. It seems to me that if the Press continues to not do their job and Congress continues to give the man everything he asks for, that he actually does have the ability to push a button and make things happen. So far all he has had to do is use a little strong arm tactics and things fall into place. He won't even need to do that not long from now

Wake up folks!

Friday, April 24, 2009

From Michael Ramirez

This cartoon is just too good.
Navy SEALs report to the stern please.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A lesson from Pakistan for us

"..........recent government concessions may have emboldened the militants to expand their reach."

Mmmmmmmm............ Pakistan's domestic policy sounds a little like our foreign policy; doesn't it?

The Dems Abandon Border Security

On John King Nepalitano says it's "not a crime..." to cross the border. These people crossing the border are "victims".
Folks, never mind our enemies freely getting in as well. Oh yes; according to Janet the real "evil-doers" are American employers.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Does Israel Stand Alone now?

Is this and this the beginning of a truly disastrous Middle East policy?

1. Israel sees no choice other than to take out Iran's nuclear abilities

2. The US under POTUS turns a cold shoulder or worse, condemns Israel

3. The Arab world seizes the opportunity and moves to destroy the Jewish democracy

4. World War III?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Newport News Tea Party

And now it becomes clear. Our work is only just begun. Just the very first baby steps have been taken. It's up to you to press those you know to joint the fight against an oppressive congress and against a media that thinks normal Americans are crazy. POTUS was unaware of any Tea Parties. Really; is life in the bubble so far removed from reality?

The Newport News Tea Party

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Uncle Sam is watching Texas

Way to go TEXAS!!! Hopefully many more will follow.

Janet has her eye on you Texas. Perhaps this report was released to intimidate Americans from demonstrating on April 15th????

It's TEA TIME folks!!

PERRY 2012!


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

North Kor....... what was that country again?

How is it that absolutely NOTHING has been said, done, reported, or mentioned about the fact that the whole missile launch thing has been completely ignored. Am I missing something here?????

Maybe it never happened. Sorta like bowing to the Saudi king.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

What to do about Pirates.......is this really such a hard thing to figure out?

What exactly is a 21st Century response to piracy? "Piracy may be a centuries-old problem but we are working to bring an appropriate 21st century response", Clinton said.

It seems to me that the US Navy holds ALL THE CARDS in this situation. They could not possibly be in a better position. Here you have 4 pirates holding 1 captain in a drifting disabled lifeboat in the shadow of the overwhelming force of the US Navy. What is the problem? eh pirates...... give up the Captain and we let you live in a nice US prison (not in Cuba) or you all die. No deception, no bait and switch; just honorable "negotiation". The problem is this. These pirates know us all too well. They are actually negotiating for money when they have absolutely no position to negotiate from other than they think (know) they can pull this off. Why? They have before. "In 2007 there were 263 attacks worldwide with 41 occurring in the Gulf of Aden or the east coast of Somalia. In 2008, there were 293 attacks worldwide, 111 of them in the Gulf of Aden or Somalia's east coast. "Over $30 million was paid out in ransoms in 2008 alone. The average ransom per successfully hijacked ship is between $1 and $2 million."

We don't need a multinational UN solution.

Stop paying, destroy as many pirate ships as you can, and they go away.

God help Capt. Richard Phillips who gave him self up as hostage to save his crew. A true hero.

Notice how POTUS is missing in action on this. Too hot to handle I suppose. They sent out Biden on this. He's expendable. Why is Hillary laughing?


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Welcome back Carter

Welcome back Carter. I guess it takes about 30 years to forget all history.

When will we the people learn?



Sunday, April 5, 2009

Korea Lauches, The US Vows to Disarm

How ironic that Korea launches a three stage missile on the same day the POTUS declares that we will move forward aggressively on reducing our nuclear arsenal. That's the way to negotiate. Tell the world what you are going to do before any negotiations take place. Sort of like telling Chrysler to merge with Fiat or face extinction. Really gives Chrysler a good place to start from.

But wait; there was some hope in his speech such as..... "He warned that countries that break the rules will face immediate consequences, including automatic referral to the U.N. Security Council." oooooooooooooooooooooooo. Watch out Kim, the U.N. The U.N. is going to stop nuclear proliferation.

Korea.............Lets go there on our next vacation kids!

You will enjoy this site. Its The official DPRK website. That's the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Full of fun facts about the great nation of Korea. Like this one..... The most frequently asked question on their site....... "Can I get a signed photograph from leader Kim Jong IL?".......Yes you can!.... or how about "Can I emigrate to North Korea and live in North Korea?".............Well; not so easy; better to visit with your full-time State-controlled tour guide.

No postings yet about the latest insane missile launch. Has Japan attacked yet?
Do you think these Korean school kids can learn the Obama song? Gotta love the artwork. LOOK! They even have red, white, and blue uniforms. How nice.

And of course the site includes the definition of the State, just in case you needed clarification:

"The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a socialist independent state that represents all the interests of the Korean people. The exploiter capitalist class disappeared totally, and the different sectors of the traders, peasants and industrial workers that once worked based in the private property, today they became socialist workers. The workers, the peasants and the intellectuals are united working for their common goals, so all the people in the country form a big political-ideological unity. The main tasks of the Government of the Republic are to achieve the total socialism in North Korea and get the peaceful unification with South Korea rejecting the external forces. This means to get the National Independence in all the Korean peninsula. Today The D.P.R.K. is a genuine worker's state where all the people are completely liberated from the exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the real owners of the power and defend their interests."

I only mention this so you can prepare for your future here in Amerika.

Uncle Sam....."completely liberate" me "from the exploitation and oppression." Please! Are you listening Uncle Sam?

Wake up America!!!


Friday, April 3, 2009


As if the American auto companies didn't have enough problems already. let POTUS tell them what the American people want to (read must) buy and drive. Create a false energy crisis and we also get to save the planet from a global warming myth.

The thing is that the dems need very high gas prices for their radical plans to work. Tax all fossil fuel energy, run the car companies, run up energy prices with higher taxes to pay for costly green power and watch while the rest of the world builds efficient nuclear power plants and drills for oil off the coast of Florida. more on drilling


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

TAX the poor.....TAX the poor......

Hey friend; got any smokes?

From the White House in response to this massive tax increase:

"The president's position throughout the campaign was that he would not raise income or payroll taxes on families making less than $250,000, and that's a promise he has kept," said White House spokesman Reid H. Cherlin. "In this case, he supported a public health measure that will extend health coverage to 4 million children who are currently uninsured."

Rememeber what they did to Bush "41" after he broke his "read my lips, No New Taxes" pledge? One term George!
