You will enjoy this site. Its The official DPRK website. That's the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Full of fun facts about the great nation of Korea. Like this one..... The most frequently asked question on their site....... "Can I get a signed photograph from leader Kim Jong IL?".......Yes you can!.... or how about "Can I emigrate to North Korea and live in North Korea?".............Well; not so easy; better to visit with your full-time State-controlled tour guide.
No postings yet about the latest insane missile launch. Has Japan attacked yet?
No postings yet about the latest insane missile launch. Has Japan attacked yet?
Do you think these Korean school kids can learn the Obama song? Gotta love the artwork. LOOK! They even have red, white, and blue uniforms. How nice.
And of course the site includes the definition of the State, just in case you needed clarification:
"The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a socialist independent state that represents all the interests of the Korean people. The exploiter capitalist class disappeared totally, and the different sectors of the traders, peasants and industrial workers that once worked based in the private property, today they became socialist workers. The workers, the peasants and the intellectuals are united working for their common goals, so all the people in the country form a big political-ideological unity. The main tasks of the Government of the Republic are to achieve the total socialism in North Korea and get the peaceful unification with South Korea rejecting the external forces. This means to get the National Independence in all the Korean peninsula. Today The D.P.R.K. is a genuine worker's state where all the people are completely liberated from the exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the real owners of the power and defend their interests."
I only mention this so you can prepare for your future here in Amerika.
Uncle Sam....."completely liberate" me "from the exploitation and oppression." Please! Are you listening Uncle Sam?
Wake up America!!!
And of course the site includes the definition of the State, just in case you needed clarification:
"The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a socialist independent state that represents all the interests of the Korean people. The exploiter capitalist class disappeared totally, and the different sectors of the traders, peasants and industrial workers that once worked based in the private property, today they became socialist workers. The workers, the peasants and the intellectuals are united working for their common goals, so all the people in the country form a big political-ideological unity. The main tasks of the Government of the Republic are to achieve the total socialism in North Korea and get the peaceful unification with South Korea rejecting the external forces. This means to get the National Independence in all the Korean peninsula. Today The D.P.R.K. is a genuine worker's state where all the people are completely liberated from the exploitation and oppression. The workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals are the real owners of the power and defend their interests."
I only mention this so you can prepare for your future here in Amerika.
Uncle Sam....."completely liberate" me "from the exploitation and oppression." Please! Are you listening Uncle Sam?
Wake up America!!!
Uncle Sam....."completely liberate" me "from the exploitation and oppression." Please! Are you listening Uncle Sam?
Why don't the libs understand...A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have.